Otl Aicher by Markus Rathgeb DJV read book


German designer and educator, Otl Aicher, was a pioneer of twentieth century graphic design, renowned for creating visual identities for numerous corporations (including Lufthansa, FSB, and ERCO) and his work on symbol systems. Aicher, inspired by his design system for the Munich Olympics in 1972, worked for over twenty years to create a completely visual language and is often referred to as the "father of modern pictograms." Born after World War I and raised during the takeover of the Nazi party in Germany, Aicher often used design as a method of political resistance and tool of social equality. He is known as much for his design philosophies as his completed work. He educated a generation future designers at the Hochschule für Gestaltung (HfG) in Ulm, Germany, the school he helped found in the 1950s and 60s. Late in life, Aicher collaborated repeatedly with British architect Norman Foster on designs for public buildings, integrating his interest in design with public planning. Aicher died in a car crash in 1991., Otl Aicher (1922 - 1991) was an internationally acclaimed graphic designer and educator, renowned for his corporate identity work, visual communication systems, and typography. Born in post-World War I Germany and coming of age during World War II, Aicher was marked by the intellectual resistance movement, postwar reconstruction, and a conviction that designers had a moral responsibility to work in the service of a better society. He emerged as an influential innovator in the field of visual communication, keenly informed by a strong sense of politics, theology, and social responsibility. By distilling ideology, language, and aesthetics to its bare essentials, Aicher promoted forthright communication through simple, elegant, elemental presentation. Aicher helped found the Hochschule für Gestaltung (HfG) in Ulm, an experimental design school in the spirit of the Bauhaus, and wrote several books on the theory and practice of design and typography. Among Aicher's best-known work are his early posters; corporate identity programs for Lufthansa, BASF, FSB, and the German lighting firm ERCO; his visual communication system for the Munich Olympics of 1972, which set a standard for universal pictograms; and his typeface Rotis. In his later career Aicher collaborated with Sir Norman Foster on a number of building projects and information systems. Although Aicher wrote a number of books on design, this book is this first comprehensive and authoritative account of his life and work, with extensive illustrations from private archives, museums, and Aicher's estate.

Markus Rathgeb - Otl Aicher read online DJV, EPUB, DOC

Who created the first mail-order font shop?In Part Two, readers will encounter in-depth profiles of oystermen, including fourth-generation New Englanders, aquaculture pioneers, and resilient farmers along the Louisiana coast.Films discussed in detail include Godard's "Vivre sa vie" (1962), "Contempt" (1963), and "2 or 3 Things I Know About Her" (1967); and Resnais's "Hiroshima, mon amour" (1959), "Last Year at Marienbad" (1961), and "The War Is Over" (1966).Since the work in the nineteenth century of French historians of Cartesian philosophy, however, there has been no fully contextualized comparative examination of the various receptions ofDescartes in different portions of early modern Europe.